enjoy some of our class library favorites for free:

Low Impact Mobility + Asana Short Flow

23 min | an invigorating mobility & asana flow

Enjoy a simple yet powerful sequence for the whole body that will [mildly] load the wrists and arms, pump up the glutes and hips, and mobilize the spine in just over 20 minutes.

Props: (optional) 2 blocks, 1 blanket or knee padding

Dynamic Mini Salute

40 min | low-impact mobility & asana flow

In this Vinyasa-inspired class, we begin slow and steady in a seated position, warming up with a short mobility flow. We continue by exploring the basic components of the Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation).

Props: (optional) 2 blocks, 1 blanket or knee padding.

Mobilize & Stretch Hour: Lower Body

57 min | low-impact mobility & stretch flow

During this grounded golden hour, you’ll move your entire body without ever standing up.

The "main character" will be the lower body, particularly the knee joint and structures that support it like your hamstrings, quads, etc.

Get ready for an easy-going lower-body “tune-up" practice.

Props: 1 block, 1 strap

Mindful Check-In w/CARs

24 min | “floss” your joints with CARs, à la FRC

This is a short, yet invigorating, full-body CARs practice.

CARs stands for Controlled Articulated Rotations.

This means we're taking all of our major joints and moving them through their full range of [pain-free] motion.

A perfect way to "check-in" with your joints before you carry on to your next activity.

Props: (optional) 2 blocks, 1 blanket or knee padding

Prenatal Sun Salutation Practice

42 min | low-impact, vinyasa-inspired prenatal practice

As the uterus expands in pregnancy, it’s clear asanas will begin to feel a lot different.

Folding forward, stepping back, moving into a lunge, and even Downward Facing Dog can feel uncomfortable.

In this session, you’ll see movements typical to a Sun Salutation practice expressed in way that supports space for your amazing baby-belly.

Props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket, 1-2 pillow(s)

Prana in Movement

42 min | gentle movement & pranayama

In this class, little energy is required. We’ll stay low to the ground practicing a series of gentle movements that lead to a short savasana and finally, a 15-minute seated pranayama practice.

For the pranayama portion, we’ll begin with a guided intentional breath practice, continuing with Dirga Pranayama (3-part breath) and Samma Vrtti Pranayama (equal breath).

Props: (optional) a folded blanket or a cushion for a more comfortable seat

CARs Mobility Session

31 min | try your CARs at a higher or lower intensity

This CARs practice will be cued mostly as a high-intensity session but it is be very easy to "tone down" the session and make it less intense if you prefer.

(All explained in the introduction of the video.)

Props: (optional) 2 blocks, 1 blanket or knee padding

CARs In Our Flow

31 min | full body mobility & asana flow

Enjoy a mellow, Vinyasa-inspired flow infused with simple CARs for some of your most active joints.

Props: (optional) 2 blocks, 1 blanket or knee padding

Core Connection Express

34 min | low-impact core focused practice

If your lower back calls out for attention, or when your pelvis seeks a stability tune-up, or even if you're just craving a little "core connection," this is the class for you.

In this no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point session we'll spend about 30 minutes exploring spinal stability in a back-lying position, later in a quadruped position. Finally, we’ll explore some plank variations before 5 minutes of mindful rest.

(Note: Zuri's voice gets muffled a few times. Sorry!)

Props: 1 block